» World's largest game of virtual Pass the Parcel for McArthurGlen Designer Outlets
"Come up with a Christmas viral" briefs tend to see creatives hiding under their desks but we developed this idea for a festive viral game/CRM prgramme for McArthurGlen, Europe’s leading designer outlet stores to increase awareness and drive data capture. And it was fun. And I like it. And now it has been nominated for an ISP award.
As part of a fully integrated ‘Give twice as much this Christmas’ campaign that includes TV, radio, press, outdoor and point of sale, 50,000 people who had already registered as a VIP we e-mailed and invited to take part in what we hoped would become the world's largest game of virtual pass the parcel. They could also win presents galore, from designer in-store discounts to BOSE entertainment systems and £1000 Thomas Cook holiday vouchers. They only had to pass the parcel to a friend who would then become a VIP and unwrap their layer and win as well.
The site features a stop motion animation of one of several random parcels that took Giles and I two days to animate and photograph, followed by several days retouching for me. You can't visit the site (unless you are a VIP or were invited by one) so there's a little video above and some screenshots below. Happy Christmas Shopping.